Policies and Standards
Policy - Alcohol, Illegal Drugs or Su...
Policy - Artificial Intelligence
Policy - Bribery and Corruption
Policy - Company Vehicle
This policy relates to the use and allocation of company cars
Policy - Computers, Email and Interne...
Policy - Expenses
Policy - Homeworking
Policy - Inclement Weather
Policy - Modern Slavery
Policy - Social and Corporate Events
Policy - Social Media
Policy - Standards of Conduct and Per...
Policy - Travel (use of pool car and...
This policy covers pool cars and employees using their own car for business.
Policy - Travel on Business (& Drivin...
Policy - Video Conferencing
This policy covers behaviour and standards when video conferencing
Policy - Whistleblowers (Public Inter...
Policies - Family Friendly
Policies- GDPR
Policies - Absence
Policy - Appraisals
Equal Opportunities
Policy - Holiday
Employee Handbook
Policy - Grievance
Policy - Recruitment
Policy - Training and Development
Wellbeing and Engagement
Guidance - Alcohol and Drugs
Guidance - Cancer and Work
Guidance - Finance, Money and Pension...
Guidance - Mental Health
Guidance - MIND - What is Mental Heal...
Guidance - Physical Wellbeing
Guidance - Working from Home
Guidance on working from home
Policy - Menopause Policy
Policy - Wellbeing
Template - Work Schedule